Friday, November 1, 2013

Tesla My Kinda Geek

   Nikola Tesla Is pretty dang close to the top on the list of dead people I would love to meet, hahaha  I'll save that list for another day, well anyway. Tesla is this super cool scientist guy  he's like crazy awesome. He is defiantly my  favorite scientist but he is so under appreciated, it makes me so mad in all of the history books other people are given credit for his works. It makes me so angry when I have to answer a question on a test or homework and put the wrong answer when I KNOW, I KNOW THE TRUTH!
                          Tesla scientist or superhero

         Tesla really wasn't that well respected in the wonderful world of science, the other scientist didn't like him because he had different theories. Tesla believed that AC current was the way to go others thought differently. Tesla came to American and started working for Thomas Edison, awesome right, hahaha umm no not so much. Edison tricked Tesla taking credit for his work and then not paying him the correct amount, Edison told him that this was a joke and Tesla just didn't understand the humor in American jokes. -_- not cool Edison,not cool! Tesla just went with it and moved on with his life because he's just a nice guy like that, YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!!!!
         Tesla was known to be a very attractive man at that time but turned down all women. He was way to dedicated to his work to wast time on silly things like women.
                                  Tesla such a heart breaker
      Tesla was a super genius he invented so many amazing things that effect our lives today like the tesla coil, x-ray tubes, and the radio, he discovered AC current power. With out AC current we couldn't have cell phones, wifi, or a bunch of other stuff that we all love.
 And not to mention the tesla coil is freakin beast!!!!!!!!!
       Tesla was also kind of a freak he was extremely OCD, like bad!!!! every thing had to perfect. He  always had to eat with 18 napkins he thought that 18 was a perfect number because it could be divided by 2 and by 3 crazy right. He also was a major germaphobe  and guess who else is yeah that's right this chick right here.Well if you want to know more comment or also go and look at the and look at what they have to say. Sadly I can't remember the exact name of it because the oatmeal is blocked. The is really funny and awesome but also has the occasional cussing or inappropriateness. Another awesome post on The Oatmeal is How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You? I now know that yes indeed my cat is plotting to kill me.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Just Me

These are just a few pictures from my everyday life. I guess I'm not the typical teenage girl I spent most of my summer out in the woods catching frogs, shooting, and taking pictures. I'm not typical Just a geeky farm kid who love God, I'm well just me.
               This is my favorite gun (a savage) and place to shoot

       By the end of the summer I had to find more interesting targets

  This is my pig Leon he is not the most photogenic but using food does help
        I wear this quite a bit it's comfy and oh so convenient
  I've been kissing frogs all summer none of them have turned into a prince, must be defective